Benefits of being organised

Less Stress means you can Relax more 

 “Organised people are just too lazy to search for stuff.” That’s cute, but I’d rather be the “lazy” one mentioned in the punchline. Less time spent running around means more time. Just, more time to do what I want to do, like, spending time with your friends and family.

Less Stress also means Improved health. The stress I mentioned earlier, which I feel when things start to get out of control, does not promote good health. 

And if you are a parent, you are setting a good example for the kids. There was a time when I spent most of my time behind my computer, working on this or that. I felt productive, sure, but I also worried about the message I was sending to the kids. Adults work all the time? My job is more important than them? I want my kids to become productive, contributing adults, of course, but I want them to enjoy life, too, and that absolutely includes time spent not working.

Greater productivity. When you know where things are, what your goals are, and take care of the spontaneous work as it appears, you’ve got significantly more time and energy for the big goals in life.

An organised life takes some doing, and you’re going to slip up. No one is clean and clear all day, every day! But when you strive to do the best you can, and this is the start (hold organiser in the right hand)

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